Resilient Computing Lab

Safe Driver Machine Interface for ERTMS automatic train control

The objective of the SAFEDMI project is to design and develop a DMI system that distinguishes itself from other trainborne DMIs currently available on the market by being able to satisfy at least SIL2 (Safety Integrity Level 2) according to CENELEC specifications (with all the related implications) and to integrate in such safe DMI safe wireless communication interfaces for configuration, SW and firmware downloading and diagnostic purposes.

The detailed proposed objectives are: (a) to design and develop a safe DMI integrated with the current on-board ERTMS systems developed according to the ERTMS Interface specifications; (b) to study and develop all the HW and SW solutions to properly address the safety and fault tolerance issues generated by the SIL 2 requirements; (c) to integrate in the safe DMI safe wireless communication interfaces for configuration, SW and firmware downloading and diagnostic purposes; (d) to design and develop a HW and SW tool infrastructure to support automatic test execution, simulating driver's action.

The safety issues to be tackled by the SAFEDMI project are related to: visualization, driver input data acquisition, data communication between on-board system components, data processing and wireless communication interface.



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