Seminario del Dottorato

mercoledì 18 giugno 2014

alle ore 12,30 presso la  Sala Conferenze "F. Tricerri"  del Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica "U. DINI"

Il Dott Herman Stel

 (Università di Firenze)


terrà una conferenza dal titolo:


 "SuMos, an algebraic version of d-spaces"


I present joint work with Timo Schürg. In real geometry (the theory of spaces modeled on Euclidean space as opposed to for example complex geometry) Dominic Joyce introduced some kind of two-category which functions in certain respects like an analog of infinity categories appearing in derived algebraic geometry. We take these ideas and adapt them to algebraic geometry. After an introduction I will sketch our results so far and the direction of our research.


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